Monday, January 17, 2011

Photoshop or Not Photoshop

This edition of post will explain to you, through crab eyes that is, whether to photoshop/edit a picture or not to do so. In many cases, I do came across people who think we should NOT edit any picture and instead, try to take a picture as sharp and as vibrance as possible to even be classified as good. So, now, how do we take those kind of picture then?

Firstly, you would need to know who is the target audience for your pictures. Remember, camera is just a tool for you to use to take what you are seeing and for us to make it yummy, we might sometime need to tweek a little to make it 'edible'. Personally i think that changing a picture color or even perhaps removing something which does not suite into the picture is totally ok so as long as not to jeopardize the main subject in the picture.

To tell you the truth, 99.99% of pictures in the magazines or even in posters has been changed a little either in Adobe Photoshop or any other software that allow us to do so. This is because, professional people understand that by changing that, they would be able to entice more readers or on lookers to stop and say 'Wow!!!'.