Friday, July 30, 2010


30th July 2010
Picture has always been part of my scope in life. The way how we see things makes us all apart and therefore, images in through your eyes always makes a different in our behaviour. We can see many things in many ways many people can only imagine but these pictures are always here to stay. They are what keep us knowing what we called 'past' so that we can shape a better future for our partner or even our children.

So, what is picture?

Picture is defined as a representation of anything (as a person, a landscape, a building) upon canvas, paper, surface, produced by means of painting, drawing, engraving, photography, etc.

Picture for me hold a meaning deeper then what is define in the wording above. Picture for me is something that hold a significant meaning in life that happens around us. They ensure the continuity of life capture in an image through our lives. Therefore, every time I got the chance to take a picture, I would surely snap away without any doubts and hesitation as I know, anything that we see right now are unique in one way or another. There won't be any same image seen twice in life.