Friday, July 30, 2010


30th July 2010
Picture has always been part of my scope in life. The way how we see things makes us all apart and therefore, images in through your eyes always makes a different in our behaviour. We can see many things in many ways many people can only imagine but these pictures are always here to stay. They are what keep us knowing what we called 'past' so that we can shape a better future for our partner or even our children.

So, what is picture?

Picture is defined as a representation of anything (as a person, a landscape, a building) upon canvas, paper, surface, produced by means of painting, drawing, engraving, photography, etc.

Picture for me hold a meaning deeper then what is define in the wording above. Picture for me is something that hold a significant meaning in life that happens around us. They ensure the continuity of life capture in an image through our lives. Therefore, every time I got the chance to take a picture, I would surely snap away without any doubts and hesitation as I know, anything that we see right now are unique in one way or another. There won't be any same image seen twice in life.

Enough of that crab...........lets move on to something more personal in agenda.
The reason I created this blog is to share my experience in learning the meaning of picture through lenses with device created geniuses in light manipulation. I will try to explain in detail (hopefully) on how I learn to become someone who we all call 'photographer' (which I hope one day) and someday contribute back to society through other means possible.

I'm pretty lucky to born into a world of cameras but then, I don't mean that all my family members are photographers. What I mean is, when I arrive in this world back in 1980's, camera were already a device that is compact enough to be carried around in the pocket and also easily available. In those days, film camera was the main attraction as at that time, digital camera were still in the lock secret room. By the time I was born, my family already own a film camera where we normally use when we go travelling around our local tourist places.  By the time I hit year 2000, my family already own around 5 film cameras and no digital camera just yet. By the year 2004, I manage to treat myself to an Olympus U-mini All Weather compact camera with 5 mega pixel resolution, highest at that time for a compact camera. It cost me a lot at that time (RM1600 to be exact) but there was never a regret buying it. It served me well for the past 6 years.

By the year 2010, I manage to get myself a new camera which comes under the name of Sony modelled DSC-S2100 that has 12.1 mega pixel resolution. I actually don't mean to get this camera but then, when you got it free, why complain right........ so , for the past 3 months, I've been using to take many recent pictures, locally and oversea. But this will all change in near future as right now, I've been actively looking into DSLR camera as I believe pictures are too important to capture with the equipment  I have now. I want something more. I want picture perfect (just a reference). I want something bold in contrast and innocent look as me (ahemm). 

So......... what DSLR can I get since there are more then 10 types of DSLR in the market. Price would certainly be a concern to me but then, I don't want to compromise on quality as well.  Right now, my eyes are definitely on Nikon type of DSLR and D90 is actually my main target. What do you think?

From one forum to another, I would be reading what experienced people says about this DSLR. One thing I can be certain of is no one ever mention about the word 'regret' in their comments.  For me, I don't really mind on how they comment about this D90 as what I know, the camera is just a tool for them to take great pictures. At the end of the day, only the photographer will take great pictures.

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